Hi, I'm Claire!


Your path to healing from stress and trauma through the wisdom of your body. 


Have you ever felt like you're just surviving, rather than really living your life?

Trauma has a way of leaving its mark long after the event itself. It's like our bodies and minds get stuck in survival mode, unable to fully embrace life.


Welcome to a journey of liberation back home to your Self.


In this immersive course, spanning 5 modules, we delve deep into understanding and navigating the aftermath of trauma.


It's about more than just surviving; it's about reclaiming your right to thrive.

Together, we'll unravel the intricate web of tension patterns that trauma leaves behind. These patterns, ingrained in our nervous system, often manifest as anxiety, overthinking, and emotional overwhelm. But here's the thing: they don't have to define us.


Through a series of lovingly and expertly crafted teachings, you'll learn to befriend your nervous system. You'll discover how to gently guide it back to a place of balance and resilience. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where every step forward is a self-reclamation.

As we journey together, you'll unlock new pathways in your nervous system. These pathways lead to newfound self-awareness, allowing you to rewrite the narrative of your past. With each session, you'll feel yourself stepping closer to a life fully embraced.


Are you ready to move forward from living in survival and embrace the richness of life? Join us on this journey. It's time to thrive.


It's YOUR time. 

Contrary to popular belief, talking about your past, mindset work and trying to just manage your thoughts and behaviors doesn’t necessarily support healing. 


In fact, many times these kinds of approaches can fall really short because they fail to fully include and address the BODY. 


This is really important because chronic stress and trauma are not matters of cognition or ‘faulty thinking’. They are primarily biological, body-based patterns of survival. Whilst stress and trauma certainly affect the thinking ‘mind’; that’s not where they live; they live in the body. 


This is why we need an approach that acknowledges and addresses the body's integral role. 


By prioritizing support for the body and working at a nervous system level, we can open the doorway to the kind of deep and lasting change we seek. 

Discover the transformative power of the Somatic Safety  program, designed to guide you on a journey of deep healing and empowerment as you transform trauma and stress through your body. 


What could this mean for you?


🤎Imagine gaining access to a framework that supports you to heal at a nervous system level, thrive beyond survival mode and experience greater freedom, ease and vitality.

🤎Picture yourself moving forward from the conditioning of past trauma and a body that feels unsafe, tired and wired, and stepping into a life of greater vitality, joy, and well-being.



What Would Change?


Imagine the impact on your life if you learned simple and effective ways to release tension, regulate your nervous system and rewire patterns of survival.


How would the everyday moments of your life change if you could support your nervous system to feel safe, and learn a pathway to a new level of vitality, deep self-connection and well-being?


Would it mean experiencing greater freedom from stress and anxiety as you navigate the ups and downs of daily life?


Or perhaps it would allow you to break free from the constant cycle of survival mode, where you're always hustling to make ends meet and struggling to find balance.


You may have heard about the power of somatic healing and nervous system regulation, but...


➣ Do you feel like you've tried various methods to manage stress and get the relief you seek, but haven't seen consistent results?

➣ Do you long for a deeper connection with yourself and a sense of inner peace and alignment?

➣ Are you tired of feeling stuck in fight, flight, or freeze responses, unable to fully engage with life?

➣ Do you dream of experiencing a profound shift in your life, where you can move forward from the constraints of fear and anxiety and embrace a life of greater fulfillment and purpose?


If you're nodding along and saying "HECK YES" to these questions, then it's time, dear one, for you to embark on this beautiful journey of Somatic Safety.


Let's reshape your nervous system, transform trauma patterns and empower you to live a life of vibrancy, resilience, and joy!


Here's what people are saying: 

Everything was perfect, the timing, you, and your approach. I feel so connected to me, I've learned so much about myself, probably more than I can articulate but more than anything, I've reclaimed a sense of wonder, of joy, freedom. 

R.Miller - Brand Strategist

Working with Claire I have experienced a profound feeling of safety in my own body for the first time; finding trust in my instincts for the first time; a massive shift in my physical anxiety and the drastic reduction in PMDD symptoms. 

E.Brammer - Artist

Working with Claire has been truly enlightening. 

Claire's approach helped me feel heard and understood and her knowledge on how our minds work and the effects of past trauma on our nervous system is invaluable.  Claire helped me to identify and understand patterns I'd been living with for too long,  and shared valuable strategies and techniques to help me calm my nervous system and start to move forward with my life. 

K. Wingham - OBM

I wholeheartedly recommend working with Claire. She brings such a wealth of knowledge and experience and I have learnt so much about my nervous system and how this plays out in all areas of my life. The work will impact your physical, mental and emotional health. I don't think I can find the right words to describe it and do it justice - literally life-changing! I've tried most healing modalities and this really felt like the missing link.

S. Sangar - Coach


After going through the "Somatic Safety" program, you will gain the skills and insights needed to confidently regulate your nervous system, rewire habitual trauma responses and cultivate a life of vibrant well-being and resilience.


Imagine having the tools to navigate life's challenges with ease and grace, without feeling overwhelmed or consumed by stress and anxiety.


You will learn proven strategies and techniques to regulate your nervous system and create a sense of safety and stability within yourself.


No more feeling stuck in fight, flight, or freeze responses. With the skills you'll gain from this course, you'll be able to transform traumatic stress and anxieties and step into a life filled with more energy, ease and fulfillment.


If you're ready to embark on this powerful journey and learn how to thrive beyond survival, this course was made for you.

Unlock the Path to Nervous System Healing

Learn proven strategies and techniques that so many others have used to regulate their nervous systems and cultivate greater inner safety and vibrancy in their minds and bodies.


The "Somatic Safety" program is designed to guide you step-by-step through the process of regulating your nervous system and transforming the patterns of traumatic and chronic stress, without the frustration of trying to figure it out on your own.


Imagine having a clear roadmap to navigate the complexities of nervous system dysregulation, without wasting time and energy on piece-meal learning or ineffective methods from inexperienced teachers. 

You'll gain access to a comprehensive framework that empowers you to regulate your nervous system and create a sense of safety and security within yourself.


No more feeling overwhelmed or lost in your healing journey. With the tools and insights you'll gain from this course, you'll be equipped to confidently navigate your nervous system health and embrace a life of grounded vitality and greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.


If you're ready to stop struggling and start thriving, then this course is for you. Join us and discover how you can reshape your nervous system and unlock a new pathway for mind-body healing and optimal well-being through the power of your body.

Ready to Explore What's Inside?

You're going to love these


You're about to dive into a treasure trove of life-changing resources designed to take you from surviving to thriving...



Join live sessions to ask questions, receive support and practice tools in real time (even just being in Claire’s energy has been said to be a deeply ‘regulating’ experience - so you’re in for a treat!).


Experience the power of visual learning as each phase of your healing journey is meticulously broken down in video format. Follow along as I guide you through each step, making it easy to understand and implement the practices right alongside me.


Unlock the potential of your nervous system with guided somatic practices designed to help you regulate and restore balance. From gentle movement exercises to grounding techniques, you'll discover powerful tools to support your healing journey.


Delve into the depths of nervous system regulation with in-depth educational resources that provide a comprehensive understanding of how trauma impacts the body and mind. Gain the knowledge and insights needed to navigate your healing journey with confidence and clarity.


Access a wealth of resources, including worksheets, journal prompts, and meditation recordings, to support your growth and transformation every step of the way. From practical tools to heartfelt inspiration, you'll find everything you need to reshape your nervous system and transform stress into health.


Building Inner Resources


Inside you will learn:

✔ How to stimulate a calming response in your body through super simple practices that you can do anywhere.

✔ How to anchor a feeling of safeness inside your body and build your innate ability for nervous system regulation and connection

✔ How to return to a baseline of inner balance when things feel challenging, overwhelming or triggering in the languge your nervous system needs you to speak

✔ How to re-establish your body's natural rhythm to move between contraction and expansion and cultivate your capacity to be with a ride range of emotional, physical, relational and spiritual experiences.


Proprioception, Interoception and the Self


Inside you will learn:

✔ Why interoception and proprioception are foundational to trauma recovery and what they mean for you

✔ How to support a deep sense of self-connection through connecting with your body and the place it occupies in the world

✔ How to reactivate parts of the brain that get disconnected in the aftermath of trauma

✔ How to build a more embodied, solid and secure sense of self and cultivate a sense of inner stability inside your body


Cultivating Autonomic Awareness


Inside you will learn:

✔ How to understand your autonomic nervous system and trauma responses

✔ How to get to know and map out your own unique nervous system patterns

✔ How to work with and relate to your nervous system states from a place of compassion, skill and awareness

✔ How to support your nervous system to have more flexibility and move between different states so that you don't feel stuck in repeating cycles



Working with the shutdown response
& the dorsal vagal system



✔ What the dorsal vagal trauma response is and why if we get stuck in it

✔ How to recognize patterns of dorsal vagal shutdown in ourselves

✔ How to come out of the dorsal vagal trauma response of disconnection, shutdown and helplessness so that you can re-integrate your life force energy and regulate your nervous system

✔ How to move from disconnection, passivity and lack of feeling to a sense of embodied aliveness and empowerment



Strategies for Releasing Fight, Flight & Freeze Responses



✔ How to work with and resource fight/flight and freeze responses

✔ How to safely discharge and release excessive sympathetic nervous system activation so that you can move towards a grounded sense of vibrancy and ease in our bodies

✔ How to support your body to release tension, constriction, anxiety and excessive stress hormones

✔ How to embody your 'healthy aggression' which is the energy that's needed for healthy boundaries, claiming your rightful place in the world and going after the things you desire without apology


Get access to this life-changing course... ➜



Me! I'm Claire Rother BSc, MSc.


I am a Psychologist (Msc Psych), Clinical Psychoneuroimmunologist (cPNI), Integrative Health Expert, Somatic Therapist and a Trauma & Health Coach.

I have nearly 2 decades of experience working with individuals and groups in both clinical and wellbeing settings to help them heal, grow and improve their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.

My work revolves around helping women shift from the biology of stress and trauma to the biology of safety and aliveness - on all levels -  somatically, physiologically, energetically and emotionally. 

I help my clients connect deeply to themselves, rebalance their hormones, repattern their nervous systems and liberate their life force to become the conscious creators of their life and unlock new levels of health, inner power and joy. 

My clients shift from stress, conflict and dysregulation into a state of inner harmony, resilience and vitality. 

My work is underpinned by my own deep personal journey and experience of healing trauma (developmental and shock), and the manifestations of this (eating disorders, chronic gut issues, hormonal imbalances, addiction, social and generalised anxiety, depression). 

I know what it means to suffer, to live in a state of disconnect and conflict, and to feel blocked and stuck in negative patterns that perpetuate our suffering. 

I also know what it means to heal, to take back the innate power we have to direct our life, remove the layers of the false self, and return to love and wholeness so that we can live from a place of integrity, satisfaction and worth.

I believe with we are wired to heal. The organising principle of our body is always towards harmony and integration, and we can learn how become the loving stewards of our live energy so that we can move through the world with greater freedom, health and aliveness. 

The journey isn’t about changing who we are or getting somewhere ‘new’. It is always a journey back to the Self.


You've got this!

Meet Amelie, who was determined to heal her nervous system and reclaim her sense of calm and well-being. Or Erica, who sought to overcome past traumas and finally step into a life of vibrancy and joy. I promise you, transforming survival into greater nervous system regulation and vitality doesn't have to be daunting. It's all about taking the first step towards healing with someone you can trust (me!).


For just £555 you could be well on your way to a thriving nervous system in a few weeks.


When it comes to regulating your nervous system, often the biggest hurdle is knowing where to start and then…actually getting started (!) and creating new habits and neuronal pathways that support new ways of being.

My Somatic Safety program takes the overwhelm out and the pressure off. 


Just show up, be open, and i'll guide you step-by-step through the process of transforming trauma and healing at a nervous system level. It’s what I've spent nearly two decades doing - so I'm pretty good at it :)..


Working with Claire has been an absolute game-changer for me. She is a harnesser of wisdom and so many practical tools. I've gained a profound understanding of how trauma affects the nervous system and how to navigate this with grace. Claire's whole approach has helped me feel more calm and so much more energy. I feel better than I have for a very long time. I'm forever grateful for her!'

Jenna S - Yoga Instructor

Claire has been a lifeline for me, especially in navigating burnout.  Claire's wealth of knowledge and her ability to break down complex concepts into actionable steps have been invaluable. Working with her has transformed my life (I don't say that lightly!). If you want a teacher full of heart, expertise and a very human loving approach, who so clearly knows what she's talking about, I highly recommend Claire and everything she does! 

Becca M - PR Manager

Claire shines through as one of my most powerful teachers on my healing journey. The way she explains things, get's right to the heart, her energy that just oozes love and tenderness, her clarity and expertise - it's all just been the most healing experience. What I learned with Claire has allowed me to get my life back after living in survival for all my life. I'm filled with gratitude that I met her and decided to say yes to myself!

Emily N - Holistic Healer

I've worked with Claire over many years now, and I can safely say that everything she does is MAGIC. Do it, you will not regret having her in your life!

Gemma P - Business Coach & Consultant


The Somatic Safety Course guides you lovingly from survival to aliveness with unparalleled guidance and expertise. This is your ticket out of overwhelm, stress and the unwanted effects of nervous system dysregulation and into a state of grounded vibrancy and aliveness.




Not only will you get supported by Claire for the live classes, but you'll have forever access to the whole course library of teachings and practices,  find peace of mind, empowerment and huge shifts in your vitality and wellbeing. This is so much more than just a course on nervous system healing. It's a whole liberation.


Say goodbye to living in survival mode and feeling disconnected from yourself and start feeling more calm, at home inside your body and empowered in your life.

By taking part in Claire's Somatic Safety Program, you will learn how to effectively regulate your nervous system for as little as a few minutes a day.


This allows you to quickly identify strategies and practices that resonate with you, helping you launch and sustain your healing journey with ease, guidance and expert support from someone who really cares.


This step-by-step program is designed to make nervous system healing accessible and practical, without spending a fortune on lengthy courses and teachings that take forever to yield results.