The trauma-informed professional certification program for heart-centred leaders, coaches and practitioners who want to support their clients and lead their businesses with more integrity, safety and connection


‘If you want to improve the world, start by making people feel safer’. 


~Stephen Porges~



The world needs us all to show up differently.


Being trauma-informed isn't something that you tick off a list. It’s not just a check box or a marketing buzzword or fancy title. It's not something you ‘get’ from a one-off workshop or an afternoon. 


It is an embodiment.




Not what you are doing or achieving.


It means that you learn how to become an anchor of safety for your clients. That you centre the needs and the nervous systems of others, and learn how to create safe connections in every aspect of your business 


Your business will completely transform when you fully embody what it means to lead through a trauma-informed lens. 


There is a shift happening, can you feel it?


The way we do business is changing. 


And this change is GOOD.




A way that respects the humanity of others. 


People want connection

People want trust

People want equality

People want safety

People want growth and real, sustainable transformation

They NEED these things. 


To understand the nuances of this as a professional
is to have an embodied understanding of the nervous system, marketing, sales, operations, facilitation and yourself as a leader how it matters most
right now.




It will completely transform the way you approach your entire business and how you feel within it.

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Every interaction we have with our clients, our teams and our communities is an opportunity to build safety and connection.


And safety and connection are the foundations we all need in order to have integrity, trust, confidence and alignment in our work and in our lives.  



Whilst most of us have only good intentions for our clients and the way we run our businesses, good intentions are, sadly, not enough.


Good intentions are not sufficient to ensure that you - in every aspect of your business - are anchoring the experience of safety, choice and honour into everything you do.


Good intentions can (and do) still cause harm.

Good intentions can (and do) still result in mixed-messages and lacklustre results.

Good intentions alone are not the key to multiplying your message, your impact and the mission of your work.


Becoming trauma-informed, and learning how to actually embody

the change you seek to create is the key to a business that you can

feel truly, deeply proud of.



Trauma-informed is not simply a cognitive experience.

It is also a matter of the heart. 

Learning how to create a business that deeply honours our clients, our communities and ourselves is how we help others to embody consent and make empowered choices


(which is ultimately what allows people to fully engage and experience transformation) 



You are a talented coach, healer, or facilitator of change. 


Maybe you’re a service provider who deeply cares about the impact of your work.


You are a leader who naturally operates with a heart-centred approach in everything you do, who is committed to impacting real change with your work. 


I want to celebrate you. The world needs more people to show up exactly as you do.


You, who cares not only about what you are saying or doing, but who you are being, and how you are doing business. 


 And, I want to invite you to join me on a journey towards anchoring consent, empowered choice and greater safety in every aspect of your business so that you can embody what it means to be trauma-informed and devote yourself to serving from a place of true integrity.


Meet Sara, who’s here to share her powerful experience after completing our Trauma Informed Training. Let's hear her story!


Teo has worked with Claire in both Anchored & The Vibrant Woman Method.

Here's what she has to say about her experience...


 I believe that when more and more leaders like you gain the tools and knowledge to lead from a trauma-informed place, we will change the world (and how we work within it).

Becoming trauma-informed is an embodied and experiential learning process.


It is both a deeply personal and professional journey that allows us to cultivate the kind of business that deeply honours those we serve, and that honours ourselves within that process. 


It offers us the experience of getting to know our own nervous system so that we can then better understand the nervous system state of others and lead from a place of greater self-connection


It teaches us how to cultivate deep presence and attunement inside our own minds and bodies so that we can embody that for the world around us


 And, perhaps most importantly, it opens us up to a new way of doing business that infuses a sense of consent, connection and empowered choice into the hearts and bodies of those we serve


When we choose to learn the skills and tools to become a trauma-informed entrepreneur we can then begin to operate our business, serve our clients and market ourselves in a way that puts our humanness first..

It’s time to participate in our business in a richer, more resourced and responsible way.


Let's create some impactful change, together.



MODULE 1: Anchoring in knowledge + understanding

By the end of this module, you will have a deep understanding of what it means to be trauma-informed as a practitioner. You will gain insight into trauma’s impact on the nervous system, develop a solid foundation in polyvagal theory, and learn how to integrate practices that create safety and regulation in your work. This knowledge will empower you to better support your clients with integrity and awareness.

MODULE 2: Anchoring safety in ourselves 

By the end of this module, you will have cultivated a deeper connection with your own nervous system, gaining the tools and awareness needed to self-regulate and create internal safety. You will explore somatic and polyvagal-informed techniques to manage your own triggers, enhance self-care, and develop mindful awareness. This will allow you to offer greater co-regulation and a grounded presence in your client sessions and group work.

MODULE 3: Anchoring safety in the relationship - polyvagal-informed spaceholding 

By the end of this module, you will have mastered the art of relational attunement, allowing you to become a steady anchor of safety for your clients. You will learn how to foster deep connection through co-regulation, neuroception, and the social engagement system, while holding space with presence and care. You will also be equipped with strategies to manage and support clients who experience extreme distress during sessions, ensuring their safety and wellbeing

MODULE 4: Anchoring in Trauma-Informed Coaching Skills

By the end of this module, you will have developed foundational trauma-informed coaching skills that will transform how you support your clients. Grounded in safety, consent, and attunement, these skills will enhance the effectiveness of your coaching practice, allowing you to facilitate deeper, more transformative client experiences. You will learn to approach coaching with increased awareness and adaptability, ensuring your methods evolve alongside your clients’ needs.

MODULE 5: Anchoring in integrity 

By the end of this module, you will have a clear understanding of how to operate within the bounds of your professional integrity, ensuring your work is ethical, respectful, and aligned with your scope of practice. You will learn to honour consent, establish clear client policies, and create onboarding and offboarding processes that foster trust. You will also be equipped to navigate challenging client dynamics, address transference and countertransference, and implement healthy repair practices to maintain strong, respectful relationships with your clients.

OPTIONAL BONUS: Anchoring in Ethical Copywriting & Trauma-Informed Marketing Taught by Jas from Ardea Creative

By the end of this bonus module, you will have a solid understanding of ethical copywriting and trauma-informed marketing practices that align with your values. You will learn to approach sales and marketing with integrity, using ethical persuasion, and prioritising the wellbeing of both yourself and your clients. This module will guide you in crafting accessible, inclusive copy, conducting ethical industry research, and using marketing tactics that honour choice and avoid harm, empowering you to market your work in a way that feels authentic and respectful.


What you get inside Anchored...


• A library of over 40+ videos teaching you everything you need to know about becoming trauma informed and creating enriching experiences and safer spaces for your clients


• The most compressive curriculum and experimental practices to give you a new level of confidence and leading edge in how you show up for your clients, yourself and your beautiful business


• Guided audio practices that you can use for yourself and with clients to help them befriend their nervous systems, ground and resource themselves and find greater connection and safety within


• A curated selection of additional resources to support your learning and expertise to flourish


• A treasure chest of over 10 body-based coaching skills you can use with your clients to help them connect to their bodies, transform stress and feel safer in their sessions with you


• Expert guidance on how to market yourself and write copy in a human-led way that seeks to honour your potential clients and create and experience where they feel respected and seen for the individual they are! No more manipulation or shame filled marketing tactics, thank you!!


• Live sessions / Q+A with Claire every 2-weeks (up to 1 hr). This is your opportunity to come together with Claire live once a month to have all your questions answered! There will also be some space for your own embodiment practice.


• Coursework and certification. Each module there will be coursework and once all coursework is completed you will receive your accredited certification.  


is for you if:


 → You understand the importance of learning how to approach your clients, your services, your marketing, your self through a trauma-informed lens and you are proactively trying to market your business and your message in deeper integrity


→ You want to be able to proudly and assuredly stand behind being ‘trauma-informed’ from a palace of embodiment and skill, rather than simply paying lip-service being ‘trauma-informed’


→ You would like to learn the skills and tools required to embody and cultivate a safe relational field so that no matter what your particular scope of practice, you are able to serve your clients in a deeper, more relational and meaningful way.


→ You would like to feel confident in holding safe space for others and actively cultivate an experience of safeness for your clients and in every aspect of your business


→ You are dedicated to leading your clients, team, community  and business from a place of integrity, compassion and understanding 


→ You believe in centering the experiences, needs, emotions and nervous systems of others over power, manipulation and profit


→ You are eager and excited to learn how to become a safer, more regulated presence and serve your clients in a deeper way

If you are a coach, therapist, professional or facilitator that works with and holds space for people in any capacity, this is for you.


Being trauma informed is about both ourselves and our clients experiencing empowered CHOICE.

Sign up now


is not for you if:


→ You are looking for a personal healing course

→ You’re not interested in learning how to embody more consent and choice in your business

→ You have no interest in learning more about the nervous system and trauma

→ You are only interested in how you can make more money in your business

→ You not willing to get uncomfortable

→ You’re not open to practising new tools and skills inside and outside of the live classes

→ You are looking for a ‘strategy’ in your business to make more sales 

→ You are just doing this out of obligation but you have no true interest in becoming a trauma informed entrepreneur

→ You don’t currently have the time or energy to commit to this embodied learning journey

→ You’re not interested in looking through a systemic lens, in recognising the effects of systemic oppression and doing your own ongoing work alongside this course to recognise your own implicit biases and dismantle systemic oppression


About 8 years ago I had a monumental shift that forever altered

my life and my business.

I stood in my kitchen holding a steaming cup of tea and I suddenly had the embodied understanding - like a penny dropping down into my solar plexus - that I was suffering from the effects of trauma. At that moment I felt as if, for the first time, I made so much sense. It was a deeply validating and comforting experience because I finally had a lens through which I could understand myself and all of my struggles in a new way. (A way that didn’t say ‘well, you’re just screwed up and not like anyone else’). I remember thinking ‘of course!’ - as if, how could I have not known this for so long. Because once I knew, it was all just so obvious.

This realisation, and the journey I took myself on in its aftermath, completely changed the way I saw myself, my clients, my family, my relationships: everything. It was the catalyst for so much healing and growth and it is the reason why I was able to stop living in so much fear, hiding from the world and myself and start using my voice and gifts to create a new life and successful business.

Whether we realise it or not, trauma and its impacts affect us all.

For so long not only have we had a very limited understanding of what trauma actually is, how it shapes us and how to work with it effectively, but we have also entirely left it out of conversations in business and entrepreneurship.

This is a conversation that needs to happen and one I have been initiating for years, because when we don’t have this conversation we create so much harm and we block our evolution, both on individual and societal levels.

Our current society as it stands is distinctly trauma-UN-informed. When it comes to business…it only gets worse.

Many people who are running successful businesses and holding space for hundreds, thousands of people every year have never learned how to actually hold space - how to skillfully and intentionally cultivate attunement and relational safety through an understanding of trauma. Many leaders have little (if any) understanding of the nervous system - which fundamentally means they are lacking a crucial piece of understanding about the human experience (which isn’t great when you’re in the business of helping people). Furthermore, many leaders are selling their services, marketing themselves and operating within their businesses in ways that (unintentionally) do harm. Not because they would ever want to do this - but because they don’t know what they don’t know.

When I looked around at what was on offer for trauma-informed training I saw so many things that were lacking depth or entirely missing. Most trainings felt like footnotes (e.g a one class/ 1 hr workshop as part of a larger coaching course), were short and superficial, didn’t include self-connection work, space-holding skills, rich experiential and somatic practices, time to build on learning in a longer-term community container, and completely missed any training on leadership or how to operate and market our businesses through a trauma-informed lens. I thought, ‘yikes’. And then I thought ‘well babes, you’d better get busy’. So that’s what I did.

I’ve created a training that I am truly proud of. It’s exciting and a little scary and I am here for it all!

The journey to becoming an ANCHORED Trauma-Informed Entrepreneur is a journey that will transform ourselves, our client’s lives and our businesses.

It matters.

I hope you think so, too.


Annique Sampson

Certified Life Coach 


"Anchored went above and beyond my expectations. Claire not only brought a high level of integrity and expertise to the program through content, but also a skillful sensitivity and attunement to our group. I felt truly enriched academically and also deeply nourished on a nervous system level. 

I am applying the concepts and tools in my coaching & healing practice, and am so pleased with the impact! I grew in confidence and competence, and more importantly trust in myself and my clients. 

I highly recommend Claire and Anchored to any practitioner looking to evolve in their understanding of the nervous system, trauma and how to better support their clients."

 ANCHORED is not just a cognitive journey of knowledge and education — but an embodied and experiential journey into how to reclaim a sense of safeness for the people you serve, your business, and yourself.






• Monthly Content drop:

Every 4 weeks there will be a fresh drop of content right into your Anchored online portal. We cover a new module monthly comprising of a selection of video teachings, practices, handouts, additional resources and coursework. 


• Trauma-Informed Experiential Trainings:

This is where ‘the work’ really begins. Experiential trainings and guided practices designed specifically to help you become a safe space-holder and embody more regulation  within your own nervous system AND in the nervous systems of the people you serve so that you can create more attunement, trust and safety in the relational field between yourself and your clients.


• On-going Access to All Course Materials:

Including class recordings, guided practices, handouts and experiential work, with the option to extend this. 


• Somatic Skills Sessions:

Live sessions with Claire where we gather as a community to learn, experience and practice the development of our somatic skills together. These sessions will add invaluable depth and confidence to you capacity to skillfully support deep transformation in yourself and your clients. 


• Access to Me for the 5 months of fresh content:

I will be there to support you and answer any questions in the form of monthly LIVE Q+As, PLUS access to me in the community space where you can get on-going support from me. This is some of the most important work of your professional life, and I’ll be there with you every step of the way.


• The ANCHORED Community: 

Join a private online community of like-minded business owners on a common mission to transform their business and the way they serve their clients. This is your community space for deepened learning, reflection and connection with me and the group.


• ANCHORED Certification:

Anchored is a professionally certified training, accredited with the IPHM. Being accredited by the IPHM is one of the most recognisable signs of quality internationally, indicating that both trainer and training have a commitment to excellence and have met a particular standard. 

On successful completion and upon meeting the coursework requirements (see below), you will be awarded a certification, be able to use the ‘ANCHORED Trauma Informed Coach & Entrepreneur’ logo on your website and list it as part of your continuing education and training.



• Optional bonus Trauma-Informed Marketing Trainings:

The practices, skills and tools you need to be able to market your business and sell your services through a trauma-informed lens — not only so that your business isn’t doing any harm, but so that it is actually helping others to embody greater consent, choice and connection 

Live Q & A Calls:

The live Q & A calls are 1 hour long each. They will be held at 11:30 am UK time on the following dates:


❀ 17th October 

❀ 14th November 

❀ 12th December

❀ 9th January 2025

❀ 6th February 2025


(All live Q&As are recorded and the recording will be placed into the ANCHORED hub within 48 hours of each Q+A to be watched again or if missed) 


Somatic Skills Sessions

The live somatic skills sessions are 40 minutes long. They will be held at 11 am on the following dates:


❀ 31st October

❀ 28th November

❀ 7th January

❀ 23rd January 2025

❀ 20th February 2025

Sign up now


This professionally certified course will give you the authority to stand in integrity as a trauma-informed professional inside your business. It is a signal to others that you have credibility and that you have truly done the work (because, let's face it, there are a lot of people paying lip service to being trauma-informed who lack any real depth or training in this area).

Receiving the certificate is contingent upon completion of the coursework (there are 2 pieces of written coursework per module). There is no deadline by which you must complete the coursework, however you will not receive your certificate until it is submitted. The coursework takes the form of reflective written essays (500 words minimum each) based on a core theme of each module in addition to a workbook (one workbook per module - a series of short-answer/multiple choice questions based on the learning in that module to show engagement and understanding of the material covered). 


Reflective essays: 

The written reflective essays are aimed at demonstrating that you have understood and integrated the learning material, and will therefore not be marked according to any grade scheme (% or A, B C etc), but rather ticked off as completed with any relevant feedback given.



The short-answer/multiple choice workbooks for each module will be marked and must be passed at 70% each in order to show a required level of understanding. The answers to these are easily found within the class material and slides and can be completed as you engage with the live class/recording at the time. 


Click here to view the ANCHORED mission, values and community agreements.

Sign up now

 So this is how we flow...


The pace: 

It matters to me that the learning experience I offer is depth-oriented and at the same time, easily assimilated. With depth and assimilation in mind, I have curated this learning experience to follow a format that offers space for digestion and space to go deep into these topics.


→ Each of the 6 modules is split into between 5-10 short video classes (anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes)


→ Each new module will be released every month (this means, if you complete the learning material as it is released, it will take you 5 months to finish the program...Though it may take you up to 12 months and you set the pace! 


→ Every month there will be a LIVE Q+A session with Claire (over Zoom) and the chance to get all of your questions answered


→ Every 2 weeks there will be LIVE office-hours where Claire will be available inside the community space (in Slack) to chat to you and offer any guidance or support you need



Pay in full (one-time)



3 Month Payment Plan



6 Month Payment Plan



9 Month Payment Plan



12 Month Payment Plan



It's time to become a human-led business badass.

So my love, are you in? 


I am a psychologist (MSc), somatic practitioner,  nervous system expert, transformational coach and integrative health specialist with over 10 years experience running my own business and working with women to help them heal, grow and improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.


I’m here to help heart-centred, purpose-driven and, frankly, badass female leaders reconnect to their innate wholeness, transform trauma and create embodied experiences AND businesses that deeply honour and nourish themselves, their clients and everyone around them. 


It is my mission to bring awareness, education and healing to an area that has for too long been left out of discussions in the business space; trauma. 


My work is a passionate and soulful fusion of mind-body modalities that blends together science, somatics, spirituality and psychology.


I believe deeply in the inherent wisdom and wholeness of each of us and I trust that our life energy is always seeking to move us in the direction of greater health and vibrancy.


My personal journey towards resolving my own trauma, befriending my nervous system and finding an authentic connection to myself is what led me to where I am now.


I invest a lot in my own growth and development - on a personal and professional level - and I am a passionate believer that we must live what we teach.


I truly love what I do. It brings me a deep sense satisfaction and purpose, and I am so grateful that I get to share my work and gifts with the world. It rocks my world and it is hugely enriching and transformational.

Sign up now


Safety is not a ‘thing’ - it’s an experience, a hugely relational one.


A space is safe because we are actively creating and co-creating safeness.


A space is safe because we have enough safeness inside our own bodies that we are able to communicate that safeness from nervous-system to nervous-system.


A space is safe because there is intention, skill and thoughtfulness about the ways that we are actively engaging in practises and skills that communicate safeness. 


Safety doesn’t just happen. It is not an accident. And it can never be assumed.


And without it, holding space for true transformation is just not possible.

If you’re this far down, maybe you still have questions…