A live 4-week journey into opening yourself up to a state of divine receivership through working with the wisdom of your body



 A delicious, tender and elemental exploration into cultivating your capacity to receive through the lens of the nervous system, energetics, embodiment and mysticism.

A reconnection to your whole-ness.

An awakening of the deepest parts of yourself.

A union with ever-giving flow of life Herself.



To transform scarcity into plenty.

To open yourself to receiving all that life is longing to give.

Bounty is your birthright.

It is a right that you can reclaim to step into new spaces of softness and receptivity.



It is to be connected to a higher organising principle of life.


As we learn how to Re-Source and Receive, we learn how to be in alignment with the movement of life and the divine law of the universe.

Receiving all that life has to offer you is available to you in every moment that you are awake to it.


 → Restoring your relationship to receiving so that nourishment can land in your body

 → Feeling connected to a limitless, ever-present resource within you that is always there to support you

 → Opening yourself up to a new capacity of receivership

 → Softening the contraction and body-armor that you’ve been carrying so that you can let the good stuff in

 → Being able to receive more love, money, satisfaction and support through working with the wisdom of your body

→ Feeling that you are standing in the flow of life conversing and co-creating with her

→ Rewiring scarcity patterning so that it feels safe to open to the abundance that life has to offer you

→ Knowing that you are in conversation with the abundant Source of life within you and together you are co-creating new levels of wealth in all areas of your life

It’s possible and I want to show you how...


It starts now... 

Receiving + expression are fundamental principles of life. They are core aspects all living systems.

A living system is an open system;

It has the capacity to both take in and let out…

For things to enter and leave…

to collect and express.

When our capacity to receive is hurt, we fall out of alignment with this core principle of life.

We swim against the flow and don’t know how to trust in our vulnerability or surrender.

This offering is a metamorphic, expansive experience that will connect you to the deepest parts of your being and open new portals of prosperity so that you can be supported in the co-creation of your next level of PLENTY.


This is a space for free-spirited, wild-hearted, multi-dimensional women and entrepreneurs who are hungry and curious about how to open themselves to a state of divine receivership.

It is for folks who wish to come together in community to journey into the heart of cultivating their capacity to receive MORE; love, money, affection, support…ALL OF IT.

We will laugh, we will dance, we will sing and we will cry.

We will learn to trust in our vulnerability and surrender.

We will learn how to come into a new relationship to the living principle of all life:

To move in the world as the divine receivers we are!

You’re ready to receive MORE.
I’m here to show you how.

You are a multi-dimensional being

This is a multi-dimensional journey combining somatics, energetics, nervous system regulation, embodiment and mysticism.

Pillar 1:

Strengthening the vessel

Working with the foundational principles
that support us to receive

Pillar 2:

Awakening the blueprint

Connecting to our natural blueprint of worthiness, aliveness and receptivity  

Pillar 3:

Opening to Receive

Working with the barriers that block our capacity to receive so that we can let nourishment land

Pillar 4:

Conversing with the divine

Learning how to orient ourselves to the higher organising principle of life + step into new spaces of trust + co-creation


Why now, why me?

My passion for supporting you to open to receiving is a direct result of my own experience.

Learning how to receive continues to be the most regenerative journey of my life.

When our receiving capacity is blocked life cannot flow through us.

In my own life this manifested in so many ways…

I felt separate and isolated

Lacked a deeper contact with my own experience

Moved quickly from one thing to another without experiencing satisfaction

Had the constant sense that there wasn’t enough (love, money, support) and I adapted like a pro to scarcity

Wasn’t able to move towards what I really wanted because I was stuck in a story of not-enoughness.

I didn’t feel that I could trust life because I was living in walls of protection that kept closed and blocked reciprocity

I chased in the hope that I would experience what I knew life had to offer, but in chasing I stopped life from being able to reach out to me

I felt that I needed to continuously work, toil and effort to get what we want because we don’t know how to open to receive it.

One of the core wounds we carry is the wounding of hurt receivership.

We form barriers to nourishment as a result of our early experiences, life stress and the impact of collective and intergenerational trauma.

We adapt to scarcity, constriction and lack.

These nourishment barriers are inherently intelligent patterns that help to keep us alive.

Our bodies learned to close down their capacity for reception and armor themselves in bid for protection.

And yet…

The strategies that kept you alive are keeping you from receiving.

These patterns keep you from feeling nourished in your life.

They stop you from taking effective action in the direction of your heart's desires.

They keep you from letting go of the past and stepping into the present.

They keep you locked into an unconscious way of moving through the world that limits your abundance on all levels.



✧ She is opening her arms asking you to come and play with her…

✧ To dance, to sing, to taste her on your lips. 

✧ To embody your worth and live your expansion. 

✧ To remember where you came from and who you are. 

✧ To sit in your center and receive everything that life is longing to give to you...



There is no change that happens in the world outside of the change that happens in ourselves.


As within, so without.

As we learn to live more in alignment with the flow of life and the principle of receptivity, we open ourselves up to being a conduit of community and collective change.

Receptivity and expression are part of a whole. This means that the more we are able to truly receive, the more we are able to give, to offer, to be of service from a place of bounty and joy.

We become part of the regenerative cycle of life.

We start to change the collective nervous system and weave a new fabric into the tapestry of life.